NFT 028: The Cathedral Island in the Oder near Breslau

NFT project:
100 photos | 100 countries and regions | 100 NFTs

The photo shows the Cathedral Island in the Oder near Wroclaw in Poland. On the right you can see the two towers of the cathedral and in front of them the bishopric. The full name of the cathedral, which was built in the Gothic style between 1244 and 1341 AD, is "Cathedral of St. John the Baptist (Polish Archikatedra św. Jana Chrzciciela) of the Archdiocese of Wroclaw".

At almost 100 meters high, the two towers of the cathedral shape the cityscape and are a popular photo opportunity. They come into their own especially during the blue hour and with a bit of luck the water surface of the Danube is so calm that you can even capture their reflection in combination with the towers.

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