Ruhr culture: Tiger and Turtle

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Insiders call it the "Magic Mountain", the Heinrich-Hildebrand-Hill in Duisburg's Angerpark, on which the artists Heike Mutter and Ulrich Genth have erected a huge construction reminiscent of a roller coaster and called Tiger and Turtle. If you walk over its lanes, you will pass impressive views of Duisburg's special features. Far to the north you can see the Rheinpreußen heap, to the north-east the gasometer in Oberhausen, to the south the city center of Duisburg and to the west, just one kilometer away, the RWE power plant and the MKM Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann in DU-Hüttenheim.

The steam from the cooling towers of the power plant and the industrial atmosphere of the halls and buildings of the metallurgical works, which are illuminated in different ways, become a special motif that, framed by the arches and loops of the roller coaster, presents itself almost surreally alive at night.

Photographs taken at night are particularly suitable for depicting the topic of steel, which is so important for Duisburg, from different perspectives on steel tracks through steel frames. Technically, these night shots are quite demanding. The high dynamics of suitable image compositions can hardly be controlled with HDR technology due to the slightly swaying steel construction, so that the appropriate combinations of aperture, exposure time and ISO value must be determined with great care in order to capture both the radiant steel tracks and at the same time to be able to show the rather dark terrain of the power plant and smelting works in one photo.

Picture 1: Tiger and Turtle at night on Heinrich-Hildebrand-Höhe in Duisburg
Picture 2: Tiger and Turtle by day on the Heinrich-Hildebrand-Höhe in Duisburg