European bisons on Bornholm

Continent or ocean

A herd of European bison (Bos bonasus), lives on the Danish island of Bornholm around the Svinemose swamp area in Bornholm's Almindingen forest. In June 2012, seven European bison were brought to Bornholm from the Polish national park Białowieża. They feel at home here and have increased to around 20 animals.

The herd runs through an area of around 200 hectares and you need a bit of luck to be able to observe the shy animals. We were therefore very happy to discover a herd of eight animals and to be able to observe and photograph them from a suitable distance.

Picture 1: European bison on Bornholm
Picture 2: European bison on Bornholm
Picture 3: European bison on Bornholm
Picture 4: European bison on Bornholm
Picture 5: European bison on Bornholm
Picture 6: European bison on Bornholm
Picture 7: European bison on Bornholm
Picture 8: European bison on Bornholm
Picture 9: European bison on Bornholm
Picture 10: European bison on Bornholm
Video: A herd of European Bison on Bornholm
Order (animal classification)
Species (animal classification)