NFT 013: The Sacred Plain of Bagan in Myanmar, formerly Burma

NFT project:
100 photos | 100 countries and regions | 100 NFTs

In Mae Hong Son in northern Thailand we started our motorcycles early in the morning in late 1982 to get to the golden triangle of Burma, Laos, Thailand. The tour was already very adventurous and after our return we planned to go further into the Burmese interior. The next day we headed towards the Saluen, the river that marks the border between Thailand and Burma. On the way, rebels stopped us, but they released us again because we were able to identify ourselves as Germans with the magazine "Spiegel", which we happened to have with us. lucky. Arriving at the border river, we saw the hustle and bustle on the "wet green" border and finally decided not to cross the wide river on foot. Two friendly Burmese women spotted us from the water on the embankment and spoke to us: "It's a pity that you can't come to our beautiful country, as a consolation we have a small gift for you here" and they gave us some delicious fruits. After this warm first contact, Burma was now at the top of our travel list and just one year later we flew from Bangkok for a week to Rangoon/Yangon, the then capital of Burma and from there to the wonderful Bagan plain with its thousand pagodas and temples.

This NFT shows one of the impressive porticos in Bagan with two friendly Burmese women.

Continent or ocean